The Future of Medicinal Cannabis

We develop precision formulations personalized for medical needs

EU-GMP Certified medicinal-grade production
Patient Genetics ID
Dosage efficiency
Pathology type

Areas of expertise

High tech facilities
State-of-the-art & Purpose build
Automated machine learning software
Solar Energy Efficient
Controlled growing environment
EU-GMP Certified flower
Proprietary Genetics Library
High-throughput and High-sensitivity
CO2, Ethanol & Hydrocarbons extraction
White-label solutions
In-house certified Lab equipment
Rigorous Validation Software
Infarmed & DGAV certified
Oncology research programs
Collaboration with research partners
Development of plant derived compounds
Medical Advisory
Individual pathology guidance
Cannabis genetics sensitivity diagnosis
Defined dosage and delivery methods

Products & Services

Precision formulations
Available soon
Extraction services
Available soon
Available soon
Available soon
Food & Beverage
Available soon
Lab and R&D
Available soon

Cannabis Medical

* Conditions and pathologies where medicinal cannabis products have approved by INFARMED.

Gilles de la Tourette syndrome*

THC-containing products are effective and safe in the treatment of tics and comorbidities.
THC-rich preparations, report higher therapeutic value with lower incidence of adverse side-effects.
Currently there are few cannabis-based medicines in development specifically for Tourette Syndrome.

Spasticity associated to Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Spinal Cord lesions*

Cannabis-derived compounds can reduce severe spasticity associated with MS and autoimmune inflammation.
THC is effective in reducing tremor and ataxia.
CBD is effective in reducing dystonia.

Intractable-and Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting*

Cannabinoids are effective in preventing weight loss and successfully used to increase food motivation.
Cannabinoids reduce the energy consumption required to produce body heat and power muscle cells.
For high antiemetic capacity with low side effects, the optimal dose of plant-derived THC formulations is estimated to be ~7mg/m2.

Chronic Pain*

THC-containing products reduce pain perception and increase tolerance to pain.
Inhaled medical cannabis reduces opiate consumption and acts synergistically with opiates to reduce chronic pain.
Oral and oromucosal methods of administration have been shown to cause more adverse side -effects than inhaled medical cannabis products for the treatment of chronic pain.

Stimulating appetite in HIV and Cancer patients undergoing palliative care*

THC has equalled or higher antiemetic capacity than other currently available pharmaceuticals.
Plant-derived THC-containing products have higher antiemetic capacity than synthetic cannabinoids
Clinical data demonstrate that cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory effects in patients with HIV.

Severe treatment-resistant epilepsy including Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome patients*

CBD is highly effective for the treatment of seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome.
CBD is the most effective treatment for childhood drug-resistant epilepsy, with no reported adverse side effects.
Studies in children have demonstrated that cannabis derived compounds are well tolerated with low incidence of adverse side effects.

Treatment-resistant Glaucoma*

Oral administration of THC has been demonstrated to temporarily reduce intra-ocular pressure by 30%.
Not recommended by the Israeli and American Glaucoma Societies, due to temporary effects, development of resistance and acquired side effects.


Preclinical studies demonstrate that cannabinoids have a protective effect over certain cancer types.
Cannabinoids can modulate the proliferation, death and angiogenesis of different cancer cells, without affecting the health of normal cells.
Cannabis-based therapies may prevent or reduce the development and progression of different cancer types (including lung cancer, gliomas, glioblastoma multiforme, skin cancer, lymphomas, breast cancer, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, neuroblastoma, and thyroid epithelioma).

Anxiety, Depression and PTSD

Cannabinoids may exert anti-anxiety effects at low doses.
THC-based products provide positive psychological effects including sleep enhancement, as well as, reduction in anxiety and depression.

Sleeping disorders

Orally administered THC increases deep sleep duration but decreases REM sleep duration.
Prolonged treatment with high doses of THC increases REM sleep although some patients report a “morning hangover” effect.
CBD has been demonstrated to also increase sleep quality without the intoxicating side effects of THC.
* Conditions and pathologies where medicinal cannabis products have approved by INFARMED.

We believe that everyone has something different to offer and that efficient problem-solving capacity is only achieved with the combined critical thinking of a motivated team.

A2O Boards

João Pedro Nunes de Almeida
Bachelors in Management Business Consulting
Bernardo Orr
Ph.D., Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Oncology
Richard James Ellis
Process & Product Developer at The Valens, BC, Canada
Carolina Ramos
Ph.D., Cell Biology and Apoptosis, Lab Management
Edgar Alfonso Romero-Sandoval
MD, Ph.D. Associate Prof. Anesthesiology, Wake Forest School of Medicine, NC, USA
Francisca N. Almeida
Ph.D. Post-doctoral researcher Columbia University, Irving Medical Center, NY, USA
Jeff Angermann
Ph.D. Former Assistant Professor Environmental Health & Toxicology; Chief Scientific Officer of 374 Labs, LCC, NV, USA
Anna Schwabe
Ph.D. Biochemist, General Manager of Western Tolling, NV USA
Filipe Fernandes
Ph.D. Radiation Oncology at the Geneva University Hospital (HUG) GVA, CH
Jorge Porfírio
MD , MSc Medical School of Porto University, Hospital São João Porto, Portugal
Raul Baggen Santos
MD, MSc Department of Neurosurgery, Centro Hospitalar Vª. Nª. De Gaia, Portugal
João Parente Freixo
MD, MSc Clinical Geneticist, Centro de Genética Preditiva do IBMC, Porto, Portugal
Miguel Machado
MD, MSc Department of Surgery Hospital São João Porto, Portugal
Gonçalo Almeida
MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal
Filipe Almeida
Mergers & Acquisitions and Business Development MSc in Finance Grenoble École de Management, Grenoble, France
Josh Verk
Cannabis Cultivation Research and Genetic Development ON, Canada
Nuno Brito Jorge
Entrepreneur MSc in Projct Management. Environmental Eng. CEO at GoParity / Coopérnico Lisbon, Portugal
Nicholas Malmquist
Ph.D. Biochemist, General Manager of Western Tolling, NV, USA

"The medicinal potential of cannabis can only be exploited with specialized genetics, extraction and research programs."


Valuable testimonials

Harvard Health Publishing
Harvard Medical Shcool

"CBD helps relieve anxiety and pain and also leads to better sleep"

Mike Barnes
Professor of Neurology

"CBD’s now caught on and I think it's here to stay. And why it's being so popular is that people are discovering that it works."


"For the first time in the history of the Olympics, cannabidiol (CBD) has been allowed for use by elite athletes."